Your Source for Literature and Criticism Centering America’s Heartland


Learning to Ride

by J.E. Teitsworth The Mississippi River, feeding off of spring showers and upstream thawing, is all chaosand churn. Civilization is eight miles of freshly laid gravel and twenty miles of rural bywaysbehind us. I stoop over by the bank, looking for a way to delay the inevitable. My daughter cansee right through the ploy. “Can I drive now?” she asks, tapping her foot. I finish digging a flat stone out of the muddy riverbank and toss it up a few times, testingits weight. “Did you bring your permit?” I throw the stone…

Two Poems by Russell Thorburn

The Human Soul Is about the Weight of a Canoe splashing under an unforgiving moon,never able to find the right course,more underwater than above, bucking prow seeking Godbehind the bright blue lash of another wave,like a soul ruffled inside out by a great northern wind.The shivering Union soldier unballs his girl’s letterfrom his pocket, his neck roped in these veinstying him to a chill, this gale blown upfrom his dark soul, and his canoe with its ridged bottomperched precariously on top of the waves Once ashore he’ll sleep under a tree,and want…

Metaphysical Town Square

a sonnet crown by Isaac Willis Metaphysical Town SquareThe hour is sweet, the season sweeter.The people eat corn dogs under neon signsand the air gushes lemons and batterand bells ringing. BB pelletsplink little tin men. They rise againwhile no one on the GraviTron pukes.They float, men and women. They floatlike a promise—a whole nation, in miniature,walks on the moon while red devils blushin the funhouse mirror. Cheeks rosy and stuffedwith pink candy floss. Under a tentpole,a butter-sculpted cow tilts her head skyward.The moon eclipses the sun. No one staresat the hole in…

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